How Did Ymir Become the Jaw Titan? Unveiling the Origins of Power

Do you enjoy watching the well-known anime series, “Attack on Titan”? If you do, then you are likely familiar with the enigmatic history of Ymir Fritz, the founder of the Eldian Empire, who obtained the power of the Titans from the “source of all organic matter.”

Out of the nine Titan powers, Ymir was the first to inherit the “Jaw Titan,” which is known for its exceptional speed, agility, and sharp teeth. However, the question remains, how did Ymir become the Jaw Titan in the first place? In this article, we’ll explore the origins of Ymir Fritz and her transformation into the Jaw Titan.

The Attack on Titan universe is full of mysteries and secrets that keep the fans engaged and intrigued. One of the most significant questions is how Ymir Fritz, the first Titan shifter, obtained the power of Titans and transformed into the Jaw Titan. The story of Ymir Fritz is crucial to understanding the history and dynamics of the Eldian empire and the Marleyan conflict.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Ymir Fritz’s story, her transformation into the Jaw Titan, and what it means for the future of the Attack on Titan universe.

How Did Ymir Become the Jaw Titan?

Ymir Fritz’s origins are shrouded in mystery, but according to the Eldian legend, she was a slave who gained the power of Titans by making a deal with the “devil of all earth.” This “devil” is believed to be the “source of all organic matter,” a mysterious entity that created the Titans and bestowed them with their powers.

Ymir became the first Titan shifter and was able to control all nine Titans’ powers, making her the most powerful being in the world. However, her reign was short-lived as she died 13 years after obtaining the power of Titans. But before her death, she split her power into nine Titans, which were inherited by her subjects and their descendants.

The Jaw Titan is one of the nine Titan powers and was initially inherited by Ymir’s descendant, Marcel Galliard. However, during the fall of Wall Maria, Ymir ate Marcel’s brother, Porco Galliard, and obtained the Jaw Titan’s power. Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan was an unexpected twist in the story that added more depth to her character and raised many questions about her motives.

The Significance of Ymir’s Transformation

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan was significant in many ways. Firstly, it revealed that Ymir was not just a passive character but had her motives and ambitions. Ymir’s decision to eat Marcel’s brother and obtain the Jaw Titan’s power was a turning point in the story that had far-reaching consequences.

Secondly, Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan gave her character more depth and complexity. Ymir was no longer just a slave girl who obtained the power of Titans but a multi-dimensional character with her motives and desires. Her transformation into the Jaw Titan added more layers to her personality and made her a more compelling character.

Lastly, Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan had significant implications for the future of the Attack on Titan universe. Ymir’s decision to help Eren Yeager and Zeke Yeager in their plan to end the world and free the Eldians from their suffering was a crucial moment in the story. Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan played a significant role in shaping the future of the story and the fate of the Eldian.

The Aftermath of Ymir’s Transformation

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan had a significant impact on the story and its characters. Her decision to help Eren and Zeke led to the rumbling, a catastrophic event that destroyed most of the world and killed millions of people. Ymir’s transformation was a crucial element in the story that led to the story’s tragic and controversial ending.

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan also had significant implications for the future of the Titan powers. After the rumbling, the Titan powers disappeared, and Eldians were no longer able to transform into Titans. Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan was the last time we saw the Titan powers in action, making her character even more memorable and significant.

Ymir’s Motives and Ambitions

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan raised many questions about her motives and ambitions. Why did she decide to help Eren and Zeke? What were her ultimate goals? These questions are still a mystery, and we can only speculate about Ymir’s true intentions.

Some fans believe that Ymir wanted to end the world and free the Eldians from their suffering, while others think that she was manipulated by Eren and Zeke. Whatever the case may be, Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan added more complexity to the story and made it more interesting.

The Jaw Titan’s Abilities

The Jaw Titan is known for its exceptional speed, agility, and sharp teeth, making it a formidable opponent in battle. The Jaw Titan’s primary attack is its bite, which can crush almost anything. The Jaw Titan can also climb walls and trees and jump long distances, making it a versatile Titan in combat.

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan showcased its abilities, and she used them to devastating effect during the rumbling. The Jaw Titan’s speed and agility allowed Ymir to evade enemy attacks and strike with precision, making her a formidable opponent.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did Ymir become the Jaw Titan?

Ymir obtained the Jaw Titan’s power by eating Marcel Galliard, her descendant, during the fall of Wall Maria.

What are the Jaw Titan’s abilities?

The Jaw Titan is known for its exceptional speed, agility, and sharp teeth, making it a formidable opponent in battle.

What was Ymir’s motive in helping Eren and Zeke?

Ymir’s motives are still a mystery, and we can only speculate about her true intentions. Some fans believe that she wanted to end the world and free the Eldians from their suffering.

What was the significance of Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan?

Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan added more depth and complexity to her character and had significant implications for the story’s future.

What happened to the Titan powers after the rumbling?

The Titan powers disappeared, and Eldians were no longer able to transform into Titans.

What is the “source of all organic matter”?

The “source of all organic matter” is a mysterious entity that created the Titans and bestowed them with their powers.


Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan was a crucial element in the story that added more depth and complexity to her character. Her decision to help Eren and Zeke had far-reaching consequences that shaped the story’s future and led to its tragic and controversial ending. Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan showcased its abilities and made her a memorable and significant character in the Attack on Titan universe.

If you’re a fan of the Attack on Titan universe and haven’t watched the final season yet, make sure to catch up and see Ymir’s transformation into the Jaw Titan in action.

Relevant Resources:

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