How Many Anime Are There in the World

Anime has gained immense popularity over the years, and its fan base continues to grow. With its unique animation style, gripping storylines, and relatable characters, anime has captured the hearts of millions of people worldwide. But have you ever wondered how many anime are there in the world? In-depth exploration of the answer to this question will be the focus of this article.

Understanding Anime

Before we dive into the number of anime that exist in the world, it’s essential to understand what anime is. Anime refers to Japanese animated productions featuring colorful graphics, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes. The animation style is distinctive, and it’s what sets anime apart from other forms of animation.

How Many Anime Are There in the World – The Number of Anime

As of 2023, there are over 12,000 anime series that have been produced worldwide. Japan produces the most anime, with over 70% of all anime originating from Japan. The United States, South Korea, and China are also known to produce anime, but their production numbers are significantly lower than Japan.

Factors Contributing to the High Number of Anime

Anime, or Japanese animated series, has gained worldwide popularity over the years. There are various factors that have contributed to the high number of anime being produced in Japan.

One major factor is the popularity of manga, which are Japanese comic books. Many anime series are adaptations of popular manga series, and the success of the manga often leads to the creation of an anime series. This allows for an established fan base to be built-in, which can result in higher viewership and profit for the anime producers.

Another factor is the strong cultural emphasis on visual storytelling in Japan. Anime allows for the combination of visual art, storytelling, and sound to create a unique form of entertainment. This emphasis on visual storytelling also allows for a broader range of topics to be explored, including those that may be difficult to convey in live-action media.

The Japanese animation industry benefits from a highly-skilled workforce and advanced technology. Many anime studios have highly trained and specialized staff who work on various aspects of the animation process, from writing and storyboarding to animation and sound design. Japan is also known for having advanced animation technology, such as motion capture and computer-generated imagery (CGI), which can create highly realistic and immersive visuals.

Furthermore, anime has become a significant part of Japanese popular culture and is often used as a promotional tool for other industries, such as video games and merchandise. This cross-promotion can lead to increased profits and a more extensive reach for both anime and other industries.

Popular Anime Genres

Anime covers a vast range of genres, catering to different interests and age groups. Some of the popular anime genres include:

  • Shonen: aimed at a male teenage audience
  • Shojo: aimed at a female teenage audience
  • Seinen: aimed at a male adult audience
  • Josei: aimed at a female adult audience
  • Mecha: featuring giant robots and machines
  • Sports: featuring sports-related storylines
  • Romance: featuring love stories
  • Action: featuring intense action sequences

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has anime been around?

Anime has been around since the early 1900s, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that it gained significant popularity.

Is anime only produced in Japan?

No, anime is produced worldwide. However, Japan produces the most anime.

What is the most popular anime?

The most popular anime varies depending on the audience and the genre. Some of the most popular anime include Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, and Death Note.

How long does it take to produce an anime series?

It can take anywhere from six months to several years to produce an anime series, depending on the length and complexity of the storyline.

Can anime be watched on streaming platforms?

Yes, anime can be watched on several streaming platforms, including Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Funimation.


In conclusion, there are over 12,000 anime series produced worldwide, with Japan being the largest producer of anime. The popularity of anime and its ease of distribution have contributed to the high number of anime produced. With a vast range of genres to choose from, anime caters to a diverse audience worldwide.

Relevant Resources:

  1. Does Zoro Die in One Piece
  2. How Old Is Kakashi in Boruto
  3. What Is a Shinigami in Bleach

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