Is Hange a Woman? Unraveling the Gender Identity of Attack on Titan’s Brilliant Scientist

Attack on Titan is a popular manga and anime series that has captured the hearts of fans around the world. The show is known for its complex characters, intricate plot, and stunning animation. One of the most beloved characters in the series is Hange, a member of the Survey Corps who is known for their intelligence, wit, and loyalty. However, despite being a fan-favorite, there is still some confusion surrounding Hange’s gender. In this article, we’ll explore the evidence for and against Hange being a woman and try to come to a definitive conclusion.

Is Hange a Woman?

Let’s start with the big question – is Hange a woman? The short answer is that it’s not entirely clear. Although there is a significant fan base who holds the belief that Hange is a female character, there is no conclusive evidence to back up this assertion. In fact, the creator of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama, has never stated outright what Hange’s gender is.

One of the main pieces of evidence that fans use to support the theory that Hange is a woman is their appearance. Hange has long hair and a feminine face, which some fans argue are indicators of their gender. However, it’s important to note that in the world of Attack on Titan, gender expression is not always tied to biological sex. In fact, many characters in the series challenge traditional gender norms, so Hange’s appearance alone is not enough to determine their gender.

Another argument that fans use to support the theory that Hange is a woman is their behavior. Hange is often shown to be emotional, nurturing, and empathetic – traits that are traditionally associated with femininity. However, it’s important to remember that gender expression is not the same as gender identity. Just because Hange exhibits behavior that is associated with femininity does not necessarily mean that they identify as a woman.

Evidence Against Hange Being a Woman

While there are certainly arguments to be made for Hange being a woman, there is also evidence to suggest that they are not. For example, in the official Attack on Titan guidebook, Hange is referred to using gender-neutral pronouns. This could be seen as evidence that Hange is non-binary, rather than a woman.

Additionally, there are some fans who believe that Hange is a man. One of the main arguments for this theory is that Hange is often shown engaging in traditionally masculine activities, such as fighting and leading the Survey Corps. However, just like with the arguments for Hange being a woman, these observations do not necessarily prove Hange’s gender identity.

The Case for Hange Being Non-Binary

Given the lack of definitive evidence for Hange’s gender, some fans have posited the theory that they are non-binary. Non-binary is a term used to describe individuals who do not identify as part of the traditional binary of male and female. Non-binary individuals may identify as a combination of male and female, neither male nor female, or something else entirely.

There are several pieces of evidence to support the theory that Hange is non-binary. First, as mentioned earlier, Hange is referred to using gender-neutral pronouns in the official guidebook. Additionally, Hange’s behavior and appearance challenge traditional gender norms, which could be seen as an indication that they do not identify as strictly male or female.

It’s worth noting that the concept of non-binary gender identities is not new to Attack on Titan. The series has been praised for its representation of LGBTQ+ characters, and several characters in the series are explicitly shown to be gay or bisexual. Given the show’s commitment to diverse representation, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Hange could be non-binary.

The Importance of Representation

Regardless of Hange’s gender identity, the ongoing debate around their gender is an important reminder of the importance of representation in media. For too long, marginalized communities have been underrepresented or misrepresented in popular culture, and this has had real-world consequences for people’s lives.

When media creators include diverse characters who challenge traditional gender norms, they are sending a message that these identities are valid and worthy of representation. This can have a positive impact on individuals who identify as non-binary, transgender, or gender non-conforming, as it can help them feel seen and accepted.

FAQs About Hange’s Gender

Is Hange definitively a woman?

No, there is no definitive evidence to support the theory that Hange is a woman.

Could Hange be non-binary?

Yes, there is evidence to suggest that Hange could be non-binary, including their use of gender-neutral pronouns and their behavior and appearance.

Has the creator of Attack on Titan ever confirmed Hange’s gender?

No, Hajime Isayama has never stated outright what Hange’s gender is.

Is Hange’s gender important to the plot of Attack on Titan?

Not really – Hange’s gender is not a major plot point in the series.

Why is representation important in media?

Representation is important in media because it helps marginalized communities feel seen and accepted. It also sends a message that diverse identities are valid and worthy of representation.

Can non-binary individuals be represented in media without being reduced to stereotypes?

Yes, media creators can and should strive to represent non-binary individuals in complex and nuanced ways that avoid harmful stereotypes.

Why is the debate around Hange’s gender important?

The debate around Hange’s gender is important because it highlights the need for greater representation of non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals in media. By questioning traditional gender norms and presenting a character who defies easy categorization, Attack on Titan has opened up a space for dialogue around gender identity and expression. This can have a positive impact on individuals who may be struggling to understand or accept their own gender identity.


The question of whether Hange is a woman is still up for debate. While there are certainly arguments to be made for Hange being a woman or a man, there is also evidence to suggest that they could be non-binary. Regardless of their gender identity, however, Hange is an important character in Attack on Titan and a beloved member of the Survey Corps. The ongoing debate around their gender is a reminder of the importance of representation in media and the impact that diverse characters can have on people’s lives.

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