Why Did Eren Laugh When Sasha Died? Unraveling the Complex Emotions

Have you ever watched a TV show or movie that left you with unanswered questions? Attack on Titan, one of the most popular anime series of all time, has been no exception. The show’s fourth and final season brought about a lot of controversies, with one of the most puzzling moments being Eren’s unexpected laughter when Sasha died. Fans have been speculating about the reasons behind this ever since, and in this article, we’ll delve into the mystery and try to figure out why did eren laugh when sasha died.

Attack on Titan has been one of the most popular anime series in recent years, with its gripping storyline, complex characters, and thrilling action scenes. As the series approached its final season, fans were eagerly anticipating the conclusion to the epic story. However, when the season aired, it brought about a lot of controversies, with one of the most puzzling moments being Eren’s laughter when Sasha died.

The scene showed Sasha, one of the main characters, being shot and killed during a battle, and Eren, another protagonist, bursting out in laughter while holding her body. This moment left many fans baffled and wondering what led to Eren’s reaction. In this article, we’ll try to explore the possible explanations and give some insight into this controversial scene.

Why Did Eren Laugh When Sasha Died: A Closer Look at the Scene

Sasha Died

To understand why Eren laughed when Sasha died, we need to take a closer look at the scene and its context. The scene takes place during a battle between the Eldian forces and Marleyan soldiers, and Sasha is shot while trying to protect Gabi, a young girl who is a former enemy.

As Sasha lies dying, Eren approaches her and holds her in his arms. This is where things get confusing, as Eren suddenly bursts out in laughter, much to the shock of his fellow soldiers and the viewers. The scene then cuts to a flashback, where we see Eren and Sasha sharing a meal together and discussing their plans for the future.

Theories Behind Eren’s Laughter

There have been many theories put forward to explain Eren’s laughter when Sasha died, ranging from the absurd to the plausible. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Theory 1: Eren was in Shock

One of the most straightforward explanations for Eren’s laughter is that he was in shock. The suddenness of Sasha’s death, coupled with the intensity of the battle, could have caused Eren’s brain to short-circuit, resulting in an unexpected reaction. This theory is supported by the fact that Eren’s eyes are shown to be filled with tears while he’s laughing, suggesting that he’s not entirely in control of his emotions.

  1. Theory 2: Eren was Laughing at the Absurdity of the Situation

Another theory is that Eren was laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Attack on Titan has always been a show that subverts expectations, and the suddenness of Sasha’s death, coupled with the fact that she was killed by a young girl who had previously been an enemy, could have struck Eren as comical in a twisted way. This theory is supported by the fact that Eren has always been a character who has a dark sense of humor.

  1. Theory 3: Eren was Reacting to Sasha’s Final Words

Another theory is that Eren was reacting to Sasha’s final words. Before she dies, Sasha tells her comrades that she’s glad to have met them all and that she’s sorry for leaving them behind. This moment could have triggered something in Eren, who has always been obsessed with freedom and the idea of fighting for a better future. Eren’s laughter could have been his way of coping with the sadness of Sasha’s death and the realization that they’re all fighting a losing battle.

  1. Theory 4: Eren’s Laugh Was a Sign of His Insanity

One of the more controversial theories is that Eren’s laughter was a sign of his insanity. Throughout the series, Eren has been shown to struggle with his mental state, and his actions have often been unpredictable. Some fans believe that Eren’s laughter was a manifestation of his madness, as he has always been obsessed with the idea of freedom and is willing to do anything to achieve it.

  1. Theory 5: Eren was Laughing to Mask His True Emotions

Finally, some fans believe that Eren was laughing to mask his true emotions. Eren has always been a character who keeps his emotions bottled up, and his laughter could have been a way of covering up his pain and sadness at Sasha’s death. This theory is supported by the fact that Eren’s laughter is immediately followed by a shot of him looking down at Sasha with tears in his eyes.

Why Did the Scene Generate So Much Controversy?

The scene where Eren laughs when Sasha dies generated a lot of controversy among fans, with many expressing their disappointment and confusion. Some fans felt that the scene was out of character for Eren and that it undermined the emotional impact of Sasha’s death. Others defended the scene, arguing that it was a realistic depiction of how people can react in traumatic situations.

One of the reasons why the scene generated so much controversy is that it was unexpected. Eren has always been portrayed as a serious and intense character, and his laughter seemed to go against his established personality. Additionally, Sasha’s death was a significant moment in the series, and some fans felt that Eren’s laughter took away from the emotional weight of the scene.

FAQs About Why Eren Laughed When Sasha Died

Is Eren’s laughter in the scene intentional, or is it a mistake?

There is no official statement from the creators of Attack on Titan about Eren’s laughter. However, the scene was animated and directed with specific intent, so it’s safe to assume that Eren’s laughter was intentional.

Does Eren hate Sasha?

There’s no evidence to suggest that Eren hates Sasha. In fact, the flashback scene where they share a meal together suggests that they had a close relationship.

Was Eren’s laughter a disrespectful response to Sasha’s death?

Some fans have criticized Eren’s laughter as disrespectful and out of place. However, others argue that it’s a realistic depiction of how people can react in traumatic situations.

Is Eren’s laughter a sign of his descent into madness?

While some fans have speculated that Eren’s laughter is a sign of his mental instability, there’s no concrete evidence to support this theory.

Will the final season of Attack on Titan provide more answers about Eren’s laughter?

It’s unclear if the final season of Attack on Titan will provide more insight into Eren’s laughter. However, as the series draws to a close, we may learn more about the character’s motivations and actions.

Does Eren regret laughing when Sasha died?

There’s no way to know for sure, but the fact that Eren is shown to be torn up with emotion immediately after laughing suggests that he may regret his reaction to Sasha’s death.


The scene where Eren laughs when Sasha dies is one of the most controversial moments in the series, and fans continue to debate its significance and meaning. While some theories suggest that Eren’s laughter was a sign of his madness or his reaction to Sasha’s final words, others argue that it was a coping mechanism or a way of masking his true emotions.

Regardless of the interpretation, it’s clear that Eren’s laughter was a deliberate choice by the creators of Attack on Titan, and it has had a significant impact on the way that fans view the character. As the series draws to a close, it’s possible that we may learn more about Eren’s motivations and actions, and perhaps gain a better understanding of why he laughed when Sasha died.

In the end, the controversy surrounding this scene is a testament to the power of Attack on Titan as a storytelling medium and the way that it has captivated and divided fans around the world.

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