Why Does Eren Want to Destroy the World: Unraveling the Mystery

“Why does Eren want to destroy the world?” This question has become a hot topic among fans of the popular manga and anime series “Attack on Titan.” The story follows Eren Yeager and his friends as they fight against Titans, giant humanoid creatures who have nearly wiped out humanity. As the series progresses, Eren’s motivations and actions become increasingly complex, leading to his desire for the destruction of the world. In this essay, we will explore the factors that have led to Eren’s desire for destruction, the implications of his actions, and what it means for the fate of the characters in the series.

The Beginning of Eren’s Journey

Eren’s journey to become a Titan shifter began when he witnessed the death of his mother at the hands of a Titan. The traumatic event left a profound impact on Eren, and he vowed to destroy every last Titan in the world. Eren’s desire for revenge against the Titans fueled his determination to become a Titan shifter, and he succeeded in doing so with the help of his friends Mikasa and Armin.

From here, Eren’s motivations begin to shift from revenge to protection. He realizes that the Titans are not the only threat to humanity, and that corrupt governments and power-hungry individuals also pose a danger to their survival. Eren’s newfound sense of responsibility leads him to join the Survey Corps, a military organization dedicated to exploring the outside world and reclaiming human territory from the Titans.

Eren’s Discovery

As Eren’s powers as a Titan shifter grow, he begins to unravel a dark secret about the world he lives in. He discovers that the Titans are not mindless monsters, but in fact, humans who have been transformed into Titans through a process known as “Titanization.” Moreover, the government has been concealing this information from the general public, and using Titans as weapons to maintain their hold on power.

This revelation changes everything for Eren, and he becomes determined to free humanity from the tyranny of the government and the Titans. He realizes that the only way to achieve this is by destroying the world as it currently exists and rebuilding it from scratch.

Why Does Eren Want to Destroy the World – Eren’s Plan

Eren’s plan to destroy the world is not a random act of violence, but a calculated move to ensure the survival of his loved ones and the rest of humanity. He believes that the current world order is unsustainable, and that humanity needs to start anew in order to survive.

Eren’s plan involves using the power of the Founding Titan, an ancient Titan that has the ability to manipulate the memories and bodies of all Titans. Eren’s possession of the Attack Titan allows him to access the memories of his predecessors, including the memories of the Founding Titan’s original holder, Ymir Fritz.

With this knowledge, Eren plans to use the Founding Titan’s power to erase the memories of all Titans and reset the world to a time before the Titans existed. This will essentially wipe out the current world order, including the corrupt government and military that have oppressed and exploited the Eldian people.

Eren’s plan is not without its risks and consequences, as it will also mean the destruction of many innocent lives and the loss of countless cultural and historical artifacts. However, Eren believes that the sacrifice is necessary in order to create a world where his loved ones can live free from fear and oppression.

Eren’s Dilemma

While Eren’s plan may seem like a necessary sacrifice for the greater good, it also poses a moral dilemma for him. By erasing the memories of all Titans, Eren will essentially be erasing the memories of everyone in the world, including his friends and loved ones.

Eren struggles with the weight of this decision, but ultimately decides that the survival of humanity is more important than the memories of individuals. He believes that by resetting the world, he will be giving humanity a chance to create a better future, free from the shackles of the past.

Misunderstandings and Controversies

Eren’s motivations to destroy the world have been a subject of much debate and controversy among fans of the show. Some viewers see Eren as a hero who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his loved ones and save humanity, while others view him as a villain who is responsible for countless deaths and destruction.

One common misunderstanding about Eren’s plan is that he wants to kill everyone in the world. This is not true, as Eren’s plan is to reset the world to a time before the Titans existed, not to wipe out humanity completely.

Another controversy surrounding Eren’s motivations is his decision to use violence as a means to achieve his goals. While many of Eren’s actions can be seen as morally questionable, it is important to remember that he is a product of his environment. He grew up in a world where violence and conflict were the only means to survival, and his actions are a reflection of this harsh reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Eren want to destroy the world in Attack on Titan?

Eren’s reasons for wanting to destroy the world are complex and multifaceted. He believes that the only way to end the cycle of violence and oppression perpetuated by the Titans and the Eldian people is to wipe out everyone outside of Paradis Island, including innocent civilians.

What is Eren’s goal in Attack on Titan?

Eren’s ultimate goal is to achieve freedom for his people, the Eldians, who have been discriminated against and oppressed for centuries. He believes that the only way to achieve this is by destroying the world and starting anew.

Is Eren trying to save or destroy the world?

Eren’s intentions are not entirely clear, as he seems to be simultaneously trying to save his own people while also destroying the rest of the world. He believes that this is the only way to end the cycle of violence and oppression that has plagued the world for centuries.

Does Eren really want to destroy everything?

Yes, Eren’s plan involves destroying everyone outside of Paradis Island, which would effectively wipe out the entire world.

What is Eren’s plan to destroy the world?

Eren’s plan involves unleashing the power of the Founding Titan, which allows him to control the memories and actions of all Eldians. He intends to use this power to activate the Rumbling, a massive wave of destruction that will wipe out all life outside of Paradis Island.

What motivates Eren in Attack on Titan?

Eren is motivated by a deep sense of anger and frustration at the world’s treatment of his people, the Eldians. He also feels guilty for his role in the deaths of his friends and loved ones, and believes that the only way to atone for his sins is to destroy the world and start over.

Is Eren a villain in Attack on Titan?

Eren’s status as a hero or villain is open to interpretation, as his actions are driven by complex motivations that are not entirely clear. Some see him as a hero fighting for the freedom of his people, while others view him as a villain who is willing to destroy the world in order to achieve his goals.

How does Eren plan to achieve his goal in Attack on Titan?

Eren plans to achieve his goal by unleashing the power of the Founding Titan, which will allow him to activate the Rumbling and destroy the world outside of Paradis Island.

Will Eren’s plan to destroy the world actually work?

It remains to be seen whether Eren’s plan will actually work, as there are many factors that could potentially derail his efforts. The other characters in the show are working to stop him, and there may be unforeseen consequences to his actions.

What does Eren hope to achieve by destroying the world in Attack on Titan?

Eren hopes to achieve freedom for his people, the Eldians, by destroying the world and starting over. He believes that this is the only way to break the cycle of violence and oppression that has plagued the world for centuries.


Eren Yeager’s motivations to destroy the world in Attack on Titan are complex and multi-faceted. From seeking revenge against the Titans to protecting his loved ones and freeing humanity from oppression, Eren’s actions are driven by a deep sense of responsibility and determination.

While his plan to reset the world may seem extreme, it is a necessary sacrifice for the survival of humanity. Eren’s character is a reflection of the harsh realities of the world he lives in, and his motivations and actions serve as a reminder that sometimes, the path to a better future may require difficult choices and sacrifices.

In the end, the mystery behind Eren’s motivations only adds to the intrigue and depth of the series, and will undoubtedly continue to be a topic of discussion among fans for years to come.

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